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Limitless: A Soul Workshop For Spirit Awareness

A self-paced, lifetime access spirit communication meditation course to help you learn to sense spirit, feel spirit, and ultimately communicate with and know a loved one is around you through meditation

Why I Created This Meditation Course:


Do you find yourself saying, “I miss my mom”, “I miss my dad so much it hurts”, “I miss my husband?” Or, even, “I miss my cat” or “I miss my dog”?


As a psychic medium who works with the grieving, these are things that I hear every single day. Also as someone who works with the grieving, I know that there is no cure for it. Grief is part of our human experience, and there is no avoiding it. As a psychic medium, though, I do also understand a fair amount of things about life after death and spirit communication: I know we are all souls and I know we are all psychic.

I’ve been educating on social media for several years now. What I began to notice over time through the educational content that I’ve been creating on social media, was that my followers were beginning to empower themselves to build and maintain the relationships with their loved ones in spirit through my advice, guidance, and readings. Whether it was through guidance and advice provided at the end of a psychic mediumship reading, or an Instagram post I created and wrote, I was finding myself receiving steady, regular messages from clients and followers excitedly sharing experiences they’d had with their dad in heaven, a visit from their husband after being widowed, or even communication with their dog after pet loss.


And the experiences for each and every person could be summed up into one statement: a lightbulb moment!! An exciting, empowering, exhilarating lightbulb moment that could be harnessed for spiritual healing and empowerment! They were finding that its true: death ends a life but not a relationship!


As more and more of these messages began pouring in, I knew that I could and should take the education of HOW to maintain a spiritual relationship with your loved one in spirit one step further. (The call to action came from spirit during a breathwork session of my own, actually.)


I created this course FOR the people who are in the midst of a grieving cycle, who are looking for a tool to add to their grief support toolbox. I created this course FOR the people in the midst of grief who are looking to explore how death ends a life but not a relationship. This course was created to empower you and demonstrate to you that you are an energetic being and that building and maintaining a spiritual relationship with your loved ones in spirit IS possible. This course was created to empower and help you find that love does have somewhere to go.


What Is This Spirit Communication / Meditation Course? What's Included?


The course is called 'Limitless: A Spirit Workshop For Soul Awareness'. It's a self-paced, 5-module workshop designed for those beginning meditation who would like to learn techniques to blend soul-to-soul with their loved ones in spirit. You can be a total beginner to meditation or intermediate. We all have the innate ability to blend with souls in the spirit realm and communicate with one another, as we ourselves, are souls and doing so is a matter of energetics. As souls, we truly are limitless. 


The workshop will walk you through the priming of the mind to prepare for meditation in the introduction module, into the basics of meditation and working to help you acquaint to your own energy through meditation in the next module, and then will use a mix of exercises and guided meditations in the following modules using different techniques to help you practice blending with your loved one in spirit. The workshop also explains some of the core things you may experience now or over time. 


As always, touch base with your own intuition prior to purchase to make sure this is something that you feel would help your journey, as everyone grieves differently. While this course is not the end-all-be all for grief (that does not exist) and I am not a therapist, this course was created to empower you and demonstrate to you that you are an energetic being and that building and maintaining a spiritual relationship with your loved ones in spirit IS possible. This course was created to empower and help you find that love does have somewhere to go. All modules are pre-recorded and reading material, and all purchases are final/non-refundable. Through purchase you agree that you have read and agreed to the terms & conditions (listed after the registration page).

What Others Are Saying:


"I signed up for the Limitless Workshop hoping to learn ways that I could communicate with my loved ones in Spirit. I wanted a structured format that allowed me to proceed at my own pace. I was very pleased with how this workshop was presented. 


I learned new tools I could use in each module and I was able to easily switch between modules when I wanted to reinforce a new piece of information or just practice. Time and practice helped me see I was making progress. 


I had a profound communication and blending with a loved one in spirit during one of her meditation modules. It was a healing moment I will never forget. I’d recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn how to fully empower themselves in communicating with Spirit."     -D.

"Where do I even begin.  The Limitless course has had such a positive  impact on me! Before this course, I only did guided sleep meditations.  Easy, because I didn’t really have to do anything and then I fall asleep before it’s finished. 

The guided  meditations in this course have helped me to be focused and present during them.  


The meditations progress in steps, leading you to a meditation where you blend with your loved one in spirit and ask them a question ( such as, “what sign or symbol should I watch for from you this week?). I was shown an image that was quite random and not something that comes into my awareness often.  After this meditation, for three days straight, I saw the word, a song was whistled that had to do with this image, a YouTube video from 3 years ago that I randomly watched had someone mention the word over and over.   Quite incredible and confirmed that my loved one is still around and is present in my life!  


To me, this course has made me feel more connected to the spirit world, and more connected to my inner self.  I am so glad it is lifetime access, and I consider it money well spent!"     -S.

“I highly recommend Mary's ‘Limitless’ course. I like that it is self-paced and the meditation/exercises progress as you move forward. I have had truly incredible experiences with my husband in spirit, and this course was key with the exercises
in awareness of energy/focusing of the mind during meditation/raising your vibration, etc. Super grateful for this course!”     -S.

“MARY! I just did your first meditation in Limitless! It was INCREDIBLE TO SAY THE LEAST!!!! My energy was already on the path you led me through, but it was if it already knew where you were taking me!"     -M


How Is The Concept of Spirit Communication Through Beginning Meditation Possible?


Well, beyond the fact that this is how things started for me, not to mention for countless clients and followers of mine:


Grief is love with nowhere to go, as many people feel, think, and say. And while no one can snap their fingers and bring your loved one back to the physical world, you are so much more than your physical vessel – you are not your body. In fact, we could even go as far as to say that you are not your brain or your body.


The TRUE version of us is that we are souls. We are energy. We are love.


You and your loved one in spirit are the same in this regard. Their soul is their essence, and their essence is what you knew (and still know). Whether we are in physical vessel or not in a physical vessel: we are souls, we are energy, we are love.


Souls, energy, and love do not die.


And energy can blend with energy. Souls can blend with souls. It’s an innate ability that we all have. That is how this is possible. If you’d like to dive more into the nitty gritty and some of the science behind how death ends a life not a relationship and spirit communication before signing up for this meditation course, please read "Death Ends A Life, Not A Relationship, And The Relationship Is Still Two-Sided" and "What Many Mediums May Not Tell You: We Provide Evidential Readings, But You Don't Actually 'Need' Us".


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)


How Is Limitless accessed? Is it emailed to me after I purchase?


Before my website allows you to complete your purchase of Limitless, it prompts you to create a Login ID and password. That Login ID and password is then used to login via my website in the future, which is where Limitless is stored and housed. You are sent a confirmation email immediately upon purchase with the link to login. That link redirects to my website, which again is where the entire program is housed: all in one place. That emailed link, however, does land you directly on the login page, not just on my website's home page. All of the content is immediately available all at one time the first time you log in - it does not “drip out” over time, nor is any of the content emailed to you with timelines. It is all in one easy-to-access convenient place. 


What is the workshop like? Is it videos or reading material?


It's both. Limitless is comprised of video content, written content/instruction for you to read through, multiple exercise prompts, journal prompts (which are part of the exercises), and multiple recorded guided meditations plus bonus meditations. The exercises are not written - they are action exercises, with the exception of the journal prompts, which primarily accompany the meditations.


What if I try this and fail?


This isn't something you can fail, but it is something that will look different for every person in terms of goal posts and timelines. Some people sit down to meditate with the intention to blend with spirit and make progress almost immediately, while it takes other people exponentially longer. But that doesn't mean there aren't other growth wins along the way, some of which we may even miss because we are looking at the day-to-day rather than the big picture (we cover this in the workshop). 


This is a process and it is a process that always comes with growth as long as you surrender to it, while giving yourself patience and grace (NO one meditates successfully day-in-and-day-out, we all have bad days - even the gurus). I cover this in the beginning of the workshop: listen to yourself. If you need to take some time off, take some time off. If you have some amazing momentum going, lean into that, and speed up with the content if it feels good to you. If you feel drawn to a past part of the workshop over a current part you are working on, then by all means, go back to that past part. This workshop can teach you many things innately about mindfulness, intuition, listening to yourself, and leaning in, beyond just spirit blending, which can and will come in time - there is no black-and-white concept of failing vs not failing. I want this workshop to help people. I do not want this to be a source of self-pressure. So, ask yourself: where is your motivation coming from? Are you drawn intuitively? As a form of self-nurturance? Or does it feel like you're forcing yourself? Motivation and sticking with the exercises, which you incorporate into your daily life, are also key. 


The exercises are easy and quite brief, but you still need to be mindful of doing them. I know motivation has many facets, which is also why I've chosen a lower price point for this workshop. For those who want to get a taste and try it out to ‘see’ if they ‘are’ motivated, or for those who are already not 100% they may have the motivation but want to try anyway. However, by going all in at a pace that feels good to you: you will gain from the workshop, not ‘fail’.


Do I need to worry about opening myself up to evil or spirits who are strangers? 


No.  My belief system and experience does not resonate with ‘evil’ existing in the spiritual realm. If you believe that it does, then we are not the right fit and I do not recommend that you purchase. Or, if you are on the fence and are not quite sure what you believe about evil vs no evil in spirit, then please deep-dive into your heart space and decide if you feel intuitively that we are the right fit for one another before proceeding. Meditation to connect to spirit is not something that you want to enter into from the space of a fear-based mindset because you will project your own fear onto your experiences, which will lead to a lack of success and a discomfort for yourself.


You do not need to worry about spirits who are strangers connecting to you because they have no use for you. Spirits who are strangers to me connect to me because they know I am working with their living loved one who is sitting in front of me as the client. Further, when you sit (or lay) down to meditate with the purpose of connecting to your own loved one, you are setting an intention both with yourself and with the spirit realm. There is also a clear purpose present: you spiritually know that soul and cognitively know that person/anima. Intention is always known and present even if you don't verbalize it. This is the same as when I am sitting down to work with the general public: there is an intent and an understanding that I am “open”. The spirit world knows that intention, and they will respect it if you do not have fear that they won't and you are not therefore projecting that fear onto your experiences. In other words, if you go in with the belief system that you can't trust the spirit world, your mind is going to play tricks on you and you are going to mis-translate the energy and scare yourself. If you go in with the mindset to only connect to your loved ones, that is who you will connect to. 


Can I connect to animals that have passed, or is this only for human spirit loved ones?


Yes, you can connect to animals that have passed. Soul energy functions in exactly the same ways regardless of the type of physical body it was once in. The only difference with working with an animal vs a human spirit loved one is you may need to mentally change a statement here or there in a meditation. For example, if I tell you inside of a meditation that your loved one's hand is being placed on your shoulder, you would need to simply mentally amend that to be relevant to your pet/animal and their paw/hoof/etc instead.


Do you have any other questions?  Email me at or use the contact form here.


©2020 by Mary Kathleen Evidential Psychic Medium. Proudly created with

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